Ticket Booth
Hello, welcome to the Ticket Booth!
Here you can get tickets for the races, or any other organization that requires tickets.
To get a ticket you will need to trade a pet or item for it, to read more about trading click here.
You will need to PM Clover so she can see if the trade is fair, before sending the trade it should look like this:
Recipient: | Clover |
Subject: | Trading for a ticket |
Hello, I would like to trade *Item of pet you want to trade* for a ticket to *participate or watch* the *date and time of race you want to watch/participate in*.
Thank you, *Your username here* |
Races |
If you choose to participate in a race you could win a medal that you can trade in for pets and other things, you will also be bumped up a rank, if you get to the top rank you can become a mod. |
If you choose to watch a race, surprises will be handed out during the race. You can also bet on who you think will win, the more you bet, the more you could possibly win or lose. Be careful on what you bet! |